About Us
The MTOptions model has over 20 years of experience and real trades. Our proprietary system looks for an array of situations and includes both short (1-5 days) and long term (1-4 weeks) option plays.
The MTOptions system looks for unusual option volume, parabolic price/time movements, drastic changes in the relative strength and a host of other studies. These factors are then given a score based on the values in each of the studies.
All of this data is then weighted against current market conditions to determine our recommendations. Some indicators point to longer term plays, while other are only short lived. Regardless of the time frame, our system removes the guesswork and allows you to maximize your gains.
About Us
MTOptions is in business with one purpose in mind: To make money in the financial markets utilizing options. That is our sole purpose with this service offering. As a subscriber to our MTOptions service, you join us in that business. For over a quarter century our team of dedicated traders have been successful in navigating the twists and turns of the various financial markets. We learned many years ago that the old adage of “buy and hold” does not work in today’s volatile markets. Over the years we have developed a system which is comprised of a group of technical indicators, which have proven to be highly effective when used together. These indicators allow a rare flexibility to be successful in any type of market, always remaining agile to take advantage of any opportunity in the market, regardless of direction. Our indicators are oblivious to what the consensus says or does, but rather pays attention to what the markets are saying.
MTOptions is not an educational outfit. We do not exist to teach you how to trade. Nor do we waste valuable trading time throughout the day to fill your inbox with frivolous commentary or sales pitches. Our primary focus and commitment to our subscribers is to provide timely, concise and profitable recommendations
Through MTOptions, we offer you an opportunity to profit from our expertise.
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